Exchange rates of Delta Capital LLC for today

Currency Banks buy (Cash) Banks sell (Cash) Banks buy (Non cash) Banks sell (Non cash)
PLN - Polish zloty 0.2000 0.3600 - -
DKK - Danish krone 0.1500 0.1800 - -
RUB - Russian ruble 0.0169 0.0174 - -
EUR - Euro 1.8320 1.8510 - -
SAR - Saudi riyal 0.4000 0.4440 - -
GBP - UK pound 2.2080 2.2460 - -
SEK - Swedish krona 0.1200 0.1650 - -
GEL - Georgian lari 0.5800 0.6400 - -
TRY - Turkish lira 0.0470 0.0520 - -
ILS - Israeli shekel 0.2800 0.3700 - -
USD - US dollar 1.7000 1.7025 - -
AED - UAE dirham 0.4250 0.4610 - -
INR - Indian rupee 0.0135 0.0182 - -
AUD - Australian dollar 1.0000 1.1000 - -
KWD - Kuwaiti dinar 5.0000 5.3000 - -
CAD - Canadian dollar 1.1800 1.2200 - -
KZT - Kazakh tenge 0.0010 0.0027 - -
CHF - Swiss franc 1.9470 2.0940 - -
OMR - Omani Rials 3.6500 4.2000 - -
CNY - Chinese Yuan Renminbi 0.1500 0.2200 - -
PKR - Pakistani Rupees - - - -
CZK - Czech crown 0.0550 0.0650 - -
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