Exchange rates of Bank BTB for today

Currency Banks buy (Cash) Banks sell (Cash) Banks buy (Non cash) Banks sell (Non cash)
EUR - Euro 1.7700 1.8060 1.7700 1.8080
EUR - Euro 1.7700 1.8060 1.7700 1.8080
GBP - UK pound 2.1150 2.1750 2.1150 2.1700
GBP - UK pound 2.1150 2.1750 2.1150 2.1700
RUB - Russian ruble 0.0160 0.0169 0.0160 0.0180
RUB - Russian ruble 0.0160 0.0169 0.0160 0.0180
USD - US dollar 1.6940 1.7025 1.6990 1.7020
USD - US dollar 1.6940 1.7025 1.6990 1.7020
The exchange rates are automatically updated, directly from the servers of banks, every 10 minutes. Sometimes, we may receive incorrect information. Please clarify the information through the banks.
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